In midlife, sexual function may increase, decrease, or remain the same. A large new study has found yet another reason to maintain a healthy weight. Putting on the pounds in midlife can negatively impact sexual function. The findings were published online on March 23 in the journal रजोनिवृत्ति.
The study group comprised 2,528 women enrolled in the from the Study of Women’s Health Across the Nation. Annually beginning in 1995 and continuing until 1997 the women reported on their sexual functioning and underwent measurements of their body mass index (BMI). The women were then followed up for a period of 13.8 years. Associations between baseline levels and changes in BMI over time as well as sexual desire, arousal, intercourse frequency, and ability to climax were evaluated. The data were adjusted for demographic variables, depressive symptoms, hormone therapy use, alcohol intake, menopause status, smoking status, and health status.
The researchers found that the average BMI increased from 27.7 to 29.1 kg/m2 and all sexual functioning variables declined across time. A higher baseline BMI was associated with less frequent intercourse. Overall change in BMI was not associated with changes in sexual functioning; however, years of greater-than-expected BMI increases relative to the women’s overall BMI change trajectory were related to less frequent intercourse and reduced sexual desire.
The authors concluded that the women’s overall BMI change across 13.8 years of follow-up was not associated with overall changes in sexual functioning; however, sexual desire and intercourse frequency diminished with years of greater-than-expected weight gain. They noted that their findings suggested that adiposity and sexual functioning change simultaneously from year to year. They recommended that further research should focus on the impact of weight management interventions as a strategy for preserving sexual functioning in midlife women.