Get Online Consultation Dr. Sharad C Shah Gastroenterologist With Email Address, Jaslok Hospital, Pedder Road Mumbai India

শারদ সি শাহ ড

MBBS, MRLC, MD – Medicine
Director – Gastroenterology

গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টেরোলজিস্ট- 35 বছরের অভিজ্ঞতা

ডাক্তারের প্রোফাইল

The Director of the Gastroenterology department, Dr. Sharad C Shah has over 30 years of rich experience in this field. In 2006, Dr. Sharad C Shah was a part of editing the first monograph on “Management of Acute Pancreatitis” along with Dr. Shirish Bhansali at Jaslok Hospital. He has treated several patients suffering from gastric problems in India and gives every patient the best of medical care. In addition to other educational qualifications, Dr. Sharad C Shah has completed his MD in Medicine & DM in Gastroenterology.



  • এমবিবিএস
  • MRLC
  • এমডি - মেডিসিন
  • ডিএম - গ্যাস্ট্রোএন্টারোলজি



  • সদস্য - রয়্যাল কলেজ অফ ফিজিশিয়ান, এডিনবার্গ



  • Gastroenterology, Director- Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai , currently working
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