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Society nowadays is getting better with their idea of the “perfect woman”. But although society has incorporated plus sized models, society’s shallowness of needing to be a size 2 is still out there. Whatever happened to Marilyn Monroe type of sexy? Since that era, society has become particularly fond of the ‘twig size’ and has lowered the self esteem of millions. This is not only giving young girls bad impressions of how they should look, but it is also giving boys the wrong impression on what girls should look like.

A place where you can always see society’s shallowness is video games. Video games portray female characters as sex objects 90% of the time which lowers a girl’s self esteem. Many of these games are fighting games which include but are not limited to, Mortal Kombat, Soul Calibur, and Tekken. Yes these are just games/cartooned fictional characters and some say it shouldn’t affect the self esteem. But it will leave an impact on many young girls outlook. Mortal Kombat and Soul Calibur especially are horrible with camera angles and outfits and are two of the most degrading games out there. Soul Calibur has Ivy in pretty much a bondage get up emphasizing her breasts. Soul Calibur continues to edit their characters outfits where in a few years there will probably be full nudity. Mortal Kombat contains many women in thongs and a bra. Gamers claim Mortal Kombat is realistic. But would women in real life wear the outfits Mortal Kombat has chosen in real life? Mortal Kombat has been around for many years so it is likely nothing will change. It is guaranteed that Soul Calibur and Mortal Kombat will continue to scantly dress the women to please their adolescent hormonal players and eliminate girl’s self esteem.

Many girls will see that and think that is what she has to look like. Due to society’s shallowness, this is one of the reasons young teenagers dress the way that they dress. They figure boys like girls who dress half naked leaving pretty much nothing to the imagination. Many defend stating it is based off of reality. If it was based off reality, girls would not be fighting in thongs, dresses, and bras. If it was based off reality, the games would have women of all sizes in there, not just ones who are skinny with abs.

Another place you can find the society’s shallowness is TV/movies. There are plenty of movies out there that show what the perfect girl needs to look like. Many movies out there show what many boys really think of girls who are overweight. The hit movie House Bunny was a great movie, though just a bit shallow. House Bunny starred Anna Farris who transformed these ‘geeky’ sorority girls in to ‘hot guy attracting girls’. You want to teach your girls to be true to themselves, not to be someone they’re not just to impress a boy. There are many TV shows that do this as well. Why is it cartoon creators feel the need to over emphasize female characters?

The show Bleach has unneeded sex appeal which adds to society’s shallowness. It goes to show the creators of Bleach were at wits end trying to attract an audience. That or the Bleach creators were adolescent immature shallow boys. Bleach has quite a few imperfections, one of which being a female character where she has very big boobs, but wears shirts so low that it barely covers up her chest. Bleach is one of the cartoons that show girls that they need to have big boobs, and if they have big boobs then they need to be skinny and wear revealing clothes. If they do not look like this, then their self esteem is pretty much out the window. It is a never ending battle trying to impress society. Society’s shallowness is affecting future generations. What young boys and girls need to be taught is to not base reality on TV and videogames. Due to society’s shallowness, this will be a bit difficult and parents will have to answer questions such as ‘Well why do all of these girls look like this?’ ‘Why do boys like girls like this’? Do the best you can in teaching them size doesn’t matter. But remind them that they do need to take care of their bodies. Teach them young how to have a well balanced diet and to stay active. Instead of the kids coming home and sitting in front of the TV until bed, limit their TV time to an hour. Make them play outside. This will hopefully prevent the laziness and obesity that is over coming the world. (Though one reason for obesity is comfort eating, especially when they think they can never look like a girl the boys will want. Remind them to stay true to themselves and to eat in moderation)

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