Free Weight Training Is Still The Only Guaranteed Way To Sculpt A Great Body

It seems like every few years or so, a new wave of training sweeps through the industry. They become popular fast, and many seem to follow and hop on board. This has been going on for well over a decade, and while most people will experience a sudden surge of motivation due to the commercialism and advertising of such products and gimmicks, their enthusiasm usually winds up short lived because they don’t see the results they would like of the training or product sold them.

There’s a real reason why many new styles of training and exercise can only take you so far, if anywhere at all. While I do advocate changing up your workouts and always trying something new to keep it fun, challenging, and interesting, the fact is that in the long run, these are ultimately short term solutions to long term problems, and nothing works better than having free weights at the core base of your program.

The fact is the body adapts to what is demanded of it, and the only way that is guaranteed to take you over the hump of the plateau that occurs due to adaptation is to be able to measure and manipulate the variables of your exercise plan-most importantly weight, reps, and sets. In addition, rest time, heart rate monitoring, and variations also must be changed. To guarantee that your body will change, these things must be specifically measured.

Free weight training is still the only sure way to achieve an awesome optimal physique. It allows you to closely keep track of each of these variables so that you can make the adjustments as your body adapts each week to your program. The muscles and superstructure of the body are very complex. In order to truly transform rapidly, there must be an overload applied to them, and this must be specific. Then, the program must progress and change.

Very few new wave gimmicks provide this strategy, especially as specifically and potently as free weights. It’s okay to try something new, and the appeal is understandable- if nothing more you’re up to date with the next new trend or fad, but the fact is in the long run, it won’t work better than the results you will get through free weights.

True transformation of the body requires the breakdown of the muscle fibers through specifically measured variables that must change every few weeks as the body adapts. Free weights do this the best. What free weights also do is allow you to use the body in complex ways (such as compound movements), which maximize calorie burn, increase your metabolism, tone and chisel the muscles, and build and strengthen the superstructure of the musculoskeletal system.

So while new ways might get you moving, and maybe spawn a few minor changes for a short period of time in some ways, the best way to build the body and get stronger is through free weights, but you have to know how to do it right to get ripped.

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