St. Louis encephalitis is a viral disease spread by infected mosquitoes. This disease can affect the central nervous system, causing severe complications and even death.
St. Louis encephalitis is caused by a virus with the same name. Mosquitoes are infected with this virus when they feed on birds. Infected mosquitoes can transmit the virus to humans and animals. St. Louis encephalitis is না spread from person to person.
ঝুঁকির কারণ
Risk factors that increase your chance of getting St. Louis encephalitis include:
- বয়স বেড়েছে
- Living in or visiting the southern, central, or western United States, especially during the summer and fall
St. Louis encephalitis can result in a wide range of symptoms or produce no symptoms at all. The disease can be mild, severe, or even fatal.
Symptoms usually appear 5-15 days after the bite of an infected mosquito and may include:
- মাথাব্যথা
- জ্বর
- : यदि आपको आपातकालीन एपिनेफ्रिन प्राप्त होता है, तो आपको तुरंत आपातकालीन कक्ष में जाना चाहिए, भले ही आपके लक्षण दूर हो गए हों।
- ফুসকুড়ি
- সংযোগে ব্যথা
- স্তব্ধ
- দিশেহারা
- কোমা
- কম্পন
- Convulsions (especially in infants)
- পক্ষাঘাত
রোগ নির্ণয়
Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and medical history. A physical exam will be done. Blood tests will also be done to identify the virus.
There is no specific treatment for St. Louis encephalitis. Treatment will focus on managing your symptoms and complications, such as through supporting breathing and providing fluids.
There is no vaccine against St. Louis encephalitis. Prevention of this disease centers around controlling mosquitoes and avoiding mosquito bites. Steps you can take to avoid mosquitoes include:
- Stay inside between dusk and dark. This is when mosquitoes are most active.
- বাইরে গেলে লম্বা প্যান্ট এবং লম্বা হাতার শার্ট পরুন।
- Spray exposed skin with an insect repellent that contains up to 35% diethyltoluamide (DEET).