Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare form of cancer. It involves white blood cells called B lymphocytes. White blood cells protect the body from infection. HCL gets its name from the tiny hair-like projections that protrude from the surface of these cancer cells. Illness results from the accumulation of these cancer cells in the bone marrow and spleen.
The exact cause of HCL is unknown.
ঝুঁকির কারণ
HCL occurs more often in men. It also occurs more often in people over the age of 50.
HCL usually develops slowly over time. Early on, there may not be any symptoms. The cancer cells eventually overgrow the bone marrow. This affects the growth of normal cells (eg, red blood cells and platelets) causing symptoms like:
- Anemia (low levels of red blood cells)
- Bleeding (low platelet levels)
অন্যান্য উপসর্গ অন্তর্ভুক্ত হতে পারে:
- বর্ধিত প্লীহা
- বর্ধিত লিভার
- Recurrent infections (often with a fever)
- সহজ কালশিরা
- রাতের ঘাম
- ফোলা লিম্ফ নোড
রোগ নির্ণয়
ডাক্তার আপনার লক্ষণ এবং চিকিৎসা ইতিহাস সম্পর্কে জিজ্ঞাসা করবে। একটি শারীরিক পরীক্ষা সম্পন্ন করা হবে। পরীক্ষা অন্তর্ভুক্ত হতে পারে:
- রক্ত পরীক্ষা
- অস্থি মজ্জা বায়োপসি
- কম্পিউটেড টমোগ্রাফি (সিটি) স্ক্যান
HCL is a slow-growing cancer. It does not require aggressive treatment early on. As HCL progresses, treatment may include:
- Surgery— A splenectomy may need to be done to remove an enlarged spleen.
- Chemotherapy—This is the use of drugs to kill cancer cells. It may be given in many forms. This includes pill, injection, and via a catheter. The drugs enter the bloodstream and travel through the body.
- Immunotherapy—Drugs (eg, interleukin-2, interferon) are used to help boost the immune system to better fight and destroy cancer cells.
- Bone marrow transplant—Bone marrow is destroyed with high doses of chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy. The bone marrow is then replaced with healthy bone marrow from a donor.
- Blood transfusion—A blood transfusion may be done to treat anemia.
- Antibiotics or other medicines to fight infection
There are no guidelines for preventing HCL.