Fainting is a loss of consciousness that happens quickly and sometimes without warning. A fainting episode usually resolves within seconds to minutes. If fainting is caused by another condition, then the condition will need to be treated.
In general, fainting is caused by decreased blood flow to the brain.
Decreased blood flow to the brain can be caused by:
Most commonly, vasovagal spells. Vasovagal spells can occur:
- During medical procedures
- During times of high stress, trauma, or fright
- After standing still for a long period of time
চিকিৎসাবিদ্যা শর্ত:
- Orthostatic hypotension, low blood pressure when standing
- পানিশূন্যতা
- রক্তশূন্যতা
- Hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar
- খিঁচুনি
- Stroke or transient ischemic attack
- অস্বাভাবিক হার্টের ছন্দ
- Heart conditions
- Blood loss
Fainting can also occur as a side effect to medications. These include:
- Blood pressure medications
- Medications to regulate heart rhythms
- মূত্রবর্ধক
- Certain antidepressants
ঝুঁকির কারণ
Factors that increase your risk of fainting include having a history of fainting.
উপসর্গ অন্তর্ভুক্ত হতে পারে:
- হঠাৎ চেতনা হারানো
- Inability to remain standing or sitting
- Consciousness regained without any need for intervention
- Dizziness or lightheadedness before losing consciousness
আমি কখন আমার ডাক্তারকে কল করব?
Call your doctor if you are having episodes of fainting. This is especially important if you:
- Have a heart condition
- Have a job where you or others may be at risk if you faint. Examples include airline pilot, bus driver,or machinist.
কখন আমি অবিলম্বে চিকিৎসা সহায়তার জন্য কল করব?
চিকিৎসা সহায়তার জন্য কল করুন অথবা জরুরী কক্ষে যান যদি আপনার থাকে:
- Weakness or numbness of face, arm, or leg, especially on the left side of the body
- বিভ্রান্তি
- Loss of balance, coordination problems
- দৃষ্টি সমস্যা
- আপনি আপনার স্বাগত ধন্যবাদ
- Rapid, irregular heartbeat; chest pain
রোগ নির্ণয়
আপনার ডাক্তার আপনার লক্ষণ এবং চিকিৎসা ইতিহাস সম্পর্কে জিজ্ঞাসা করবে। একটি শারীরিক পরীক্ষা সম্পন্ন করা হবে।
পরীক্ষা অন্তর্ভুক্ত হতে পারে:
- রক্ত পরীক্ষা
- ইলেক্ট্রোকার্ডিওগ্রাম (EKG)
- Holter monitoring
- সিটি স্ক্যান
- Electroencephalogram (EEG)
- এমআরআই
- ইকোকার্ডিওগ্রাম
- Tilt table testing
- MR angiogram and CT angiogram
Treatment will depend on the underlying condition that has caused fainting. This may include medications, lifestyle changes, or surgery.
If you are diagnosed as having fainted, follow your doctor’s instructions.
If you are prone to fainting:
- Know the warning signs. If you feel that you are going to faint, sit or lie down right away.
- Get up slowly and carefully from lying down. Start by sitting up for a minute and then stand up.
- প্রচুর পরিমাণে তরল পান করুন।
- Discuss dietary changes with your doctor.
- Avoid using alcohol or other drugs.
There are certain physical maneuvers that rapidly raise blood pressure and blood flow to the brain. They are called physical counterpressure maneuvers. When these are done during warning signs, you may be able to prevent fainting. Examples include:
- Crossing your legs while tensing the muscles of legs, abdomen, and buttocks.
- Forcefully squeezing a rubber ball or other object as hard as possible. Try to use your dominant hand.
- Gripping one hand with the other while tensing both arms and raising the elbows slightly.