5 Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

We are all looking for ways to boost our metabolism to burn more calories and get healthier. Check out these 5 simple ways to quickly and easily ramp up your metabolism.

Get Enough Sleep

With so many stresses in our daily lives from work, family, and hopefully from our exercise regimen, our body needs time to rest and recovery from everything we put it through. Aim for 6-8 hours of sleep each night.

Eat Withing 30 Min Of Waking

If you don’t already realize it, our bodies are much smarter than we are. One of the smart things our body does is try and ensure it always has enough fuel to maintain itself. So if we don’t feed it enough, or not often enough, it will store everything we consume as fat to conserve fuel for later. One way to prevent this starvation mode from occurring is to feed as soon as you wake up. This gives our body the ok to fire up our stored fuel sources as energy.


The best way to increase বিপাক is to increase muscle mass, which burns more calories at rest (14 calories/pound vs. 2 calories/pound fat burns). The only way to increase the metabolism boosting lean muscle mass is resistance training; and then of course properly fuel those muscles.

Eat Every 3 Hours Another way to prevent the body from going into that starvation mode is to feed about every 3 hours during the day. This helps the body realize we are taking care of and properly fueling it, so instead of storing the consumed calories, our body will burn them. This doesn’t mean eat a huge meal every 3 hrs. Instead divide your total calories over the 5-6 feedings. Each feeding should have some sort of lean protein with fruit and/or veg!

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