
This is surgery to repair a damaged or torn tendon.

إصلاح الأوتار

أسباب هذا الإجراء

A tendon attaches muscle to bone. If a tendon tears, the muscle will no longer be able to work properly. This will cause weakness. Reattaching the tendon can fix the weakness.

المضاعفات المحتملة

Problems from the procedure are rare, but all procedures have some risk. Your doctor will review potention problems like:

  • نزيف
  • العدوى
  • Formation of scar tissue that interferes with normal tendon movement
  • Partial loss of function in the involved joint

If your age is 60 years or older, it may increase risk of complications. Other factors include:

  • التدخين
  • السمنة
  • سوء الصحة العامة
  • Use of certain medications

ما يمكن توقعه

قبل الإجراء

Your doctor will perform a physical exam. You may also need some tests. These may include:

  • فحص الدم
  • Urine test
  • الموجات فوق الصوتية
  • التصوير بالرنين المغناطيسي

قبل الإجراء:

  • Talk to your doctor about your medications. You may need to stop taking some medications 7 days prior to your procedure. These may include:
    • الأدوية المضادة للالتهابات
    • مميعات الدم
    • الأدوية المضادة للصفائح الدموية
  • Arrange for a ride home from the care center.
  • في الليلة السابقة، تناول وجبة خفيفة. لا تأكل أو تشرب أي شيء بعد منتصف الليل.


Depending on where the tendon is located, you may be given:

  • General anesthesia—you will be asleep during the procedure
  • Regional anesthesia—to numb specific region of the body
  • Local anesthesia—to numb the surgical site

وصف الإجراء

The doctor will make a cut in the skin over the injured tendon. The torn ends of the tendon will be sewn together or reattached to the bone. If you have a severe injury, a tendon graft may be needed. In this case, a piece of healthy tendon will be taken from another part of the body. This healthy tendon will be used to reconnect the broken tendon. The doctor will examine the area for injuries to nerves and blood vessels. Lastly, the incision will be closed with stitches.

مباشرة بعد الإجراء

The doctor may put you in a splint or cast. This is to keep the injured area in position for proper healing. The splint or cast will usually stay on for a period of weeks.

كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟

This depends on where the tendon is located and the severity of the injury.

هل سيكون هناك ألم؟

Anesthesia will keep you pain-free and comfortable during the procedure. To reduce pain after the procedure, your doctor may recommend pain medication.

رعاية ما بعد العملية

في مركز الرعاية

After the procedure, you will be in a recovery room. The staff will monitor your progress. You may also get pain medication.

في البيت

عندما انت العودة إلى المنزل, take these steps:

  • Follow your doctor’s instructions on cleaning the incision site.
  • اسأل طبيبك حول, عندما هي آمنة للاستحمام, السباحة, أو نقع في الماء.
  • Your doctor or physical therapist will recommend exercises or rehabilitation program.
  • تأكد من اتباع تعليمات طبيبك.

Follow these guidelines to care for your splint or cast:

  • If you have a cast, do not get it wet. When you are cleared by your doctor, cover the cast with plastic when you bathe. If you have a fiberglass cast and it gets wet, you may dry it with a hair dryer.
  • Bathe or shower as usual after the splint or cast is removed.

استدعاء الطبيب

Call your doctor if any of the following occurs:

  • علامات الإصابة, بما في ذلك حمى وقشعريرة
  • احمرار أو تورم أو ألم متزايد أو نزيف مفرط أو إفرازات من موقع الشق
  • ألم لا يمكنك السيطرة عليه بالأدوية التي أعطيت لك
  • Your cast or splint becomes wet, dirty, or broken
  • Skin below the cast becomes cold, discolored, numb, or tingly
  • سعال ، ضيق تنفس ، ألم في الصدر ، غثيان أو قيء شديد
  • الأعراض الجديدة أو المتفاقمة

في حالة الطوارئ ، اتصل على المساعدة الطبية على الفور.