The rotator cuff is a group of four muscles in the shoulder and upper arm. The muscles help to move the arm at the shoulder and also help to stabilize the joint. The muscles are connected to the shoulder bone by tendons, which are strong, flexible cords. Tendons may become damaged from long term overuse or from injury.
أسباب هذا الإجراء
Your doctor may recommend this procedure for:
- A rotator cuff injury which does not respond to rest and physical therapy treatment
- A complete tear in the tendon
- Chronic pain and weakness from a partial tear in the tendon
المضاعفات المحتملة
المشاكل من هذا الإجراء نادرة ، لكن جميع الإجراءات تنطوي على بعض المخاطر. سيراجع طبيبك المشاكل المحتملة ، مثل:
- العدوى
- Excess bleeding
- Blood clots
- رد فعل للتخدير
- Weakness or numbness in shoulder joint
- Detachment of the shoulder muscle
- The operation does not provide the desired improvement in function
Smoking may increase the risk of complications and slow healing.
ما يمكن توقعه
قبل الإجراء
قد يقوم طبيبك بما يلي:
- اختبار بدني
- تحاليل الدم
- Shoulder x-ray
- MRI to see the internal structure of the shoulder
Before this procedure, you will need to:
- Arrange for help at home while you recover
- Talk to your doctor about any medications, herbs, or supplements you are taking
- Talk to your doctor about any allergies you have
- Ask your doctor about assisted devices you will need
You may need to stop taking some medications up to one week before the procedure. Medications that may need to be stopped may include:
- Aspirin or other anti-inflammatory drugs, such as ibuprofen or naproxen
- Blood-thinning drugs, such as warfarin
- Anti-platelet drugs, such as clopidogrel
Do not eat or drink anything after midnight the day before your procedure, unless told otherwise by your doctor.
General anesthesia is typically used. You will be asleep during the procedure.
الوصف الداخلي
There are two methods used to perform a rotator cuff repair:
Open Surgery
The doctor will make a cut in the skin over the shoulder. The torn tendon will be repaired and reattached and/or anchored with stitches. The incision will then be closed with stitches or staples.
جراحة بالمنظار
A few small incisions will be made in the shoulder. A narrow tool called an arthroscope will be inserted through the incision. The scope has a tiny camera to allow the doctor to see inside. Other small instruments will be inserted through the other incisions. The doctor will use these tools to repair the tendon.
After either procedure, the incisions will be bandaged. Your arm will be placed in a sling or brace to immobilize the joint.
كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟
About 1-½ to 2 hours
كم هو مؤلم ؟
Anesthesia prevents pain during the procedure. You may have some discomfort immediately after. Ask your doctor about medication to help with the pain.
متوسط الإقامة في المستشفى
You may be able to go home the same day. Some may need to stay in the hospital for one day.
رعاية ما بعد العملية
في مركز الرعاية
Right after the procedure, you may be given medication, such as:
- Pain medication
- المضادات الحيوية لمنع العدوى
- Medication that prevents blood clots
في البيت
عندما انت العودة إلى المنزل, take these steps:
- Use ice to reduce swelling after the surgery.
- Take the full doses of all medications prescribed.
- Keep the bandage clean and dry at all times.
- اسأل طبيبك حول, عندما هي آمنة للاستحمام, السباحة, أو نقع في الماء.
- Do not use the arm until instructed. Wear the sling or brace as directed.
- Unless your job requires heavy lifting, you can usually return to work within a few days after the surgery.
- Follow instructions for physical therapy. Therapy is essential to regain shoulder strength and range of motion.
- تأكد من اتباع تعليمات طبيبك.
The rotator cuff will take several months to heal. It may take some time before you can raise your arm above your shoulder. It may be up to one year before you can hold your arm above your head and do work with reasonable strength. An aggressive and consistent exercise program is the key to a faster recovery.
استدعاء الطبيب
بعد وصوله الى المنزل ، اتصل بطبيبك إذا كان أي من الحالات التالية:
- علامات الإصابة, بما في ذلك حمى وقشعريرة
- احمرار، تورم، زيادة الألم، نزيف مفرط، أو إفرازات في موقع الشق
- Pain cannot be controlled with medications given
- الغثيان أو القيء
- السعال، ضيق التنفس، أو ألم في الصدر
- The stitches or staples come apart
إذا كنت تعتقد أن لديك حالة طارئة ، فاتصل بالمساعدة الطبية على الفور.