What Is Pandemic (H1N1) Influenza?

Pandemic H1N1 flu (originally called انفلونزا الخنازير) هو عدوى الجهاز التنفسي. لقد انتشر جائحة أنفلونزا H1N1 بين البشر ووصل إلى مستوى الوباء. الوباء هو تفشي عالمي.

The main risk factor for getting the pandemic H1N1 flu is contact with an infected person. People with the flu can infect others through coughing and sneezing. You can also get the flu by touching an infected object. A chronic health condition such as heart or lung disease, diabetes, or cancer may increase your risk of a more severe form of the flu.

قد تشمل الأعراض ما يلي:

  • حمى وقشعريرة
  • إلتهاب الحلق
  • سعال
  • آلام شديدة في العضلات
  • التعب الشديد
  • الصداع
  • سيلان الأنف، واحتقان الأنف
  • العطس
  • عيون دامعة
  • Stomach symptoms like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea

Most people recover at home. Basic care includes rest, fluids, and over-the-counter pain relievers. Antiviral medicines such as zanamivir (Relenza) and oseltamivir (Tamiflu) may be used. They may be given to prevent or treat an H1N1 infection.

What Is the H1N1 Flu Vaccine?

A vaccine is a substance used to protect people from infections caused by bacteria and viruses. There are two ways you might receive the H1N1 flu vaccine:

  • Shot given in the muscle—uses inactivated vaccine containing dead virus
  • Nasal spray—uses live, attenuated vaccine containing weakened virus

The virus in a vaccine will not make you sick. Be aware that even if you have been vaccinated, you can still get the pandemic H1N1 flu. If you have symptoms, tell your doctor.

Is the H1N1 Flu Vaccine Available?

Yes, the H1N1 flu vaccine is available. The supply varies by location.

الذين ينبغي الحصول على تطعيم و متى ؟

According to the CDC, those who should get vaccinated include:

  • النساء الحوامل
  • Anyone who lives with or cares for a child under the age of six months
  • Healthcare workers and emergency medical personnel
  • People aged six months to 24 years
  • People aged 25-64 years with chronic medical conditions (eg, asthma) or compromised immune systems

The Public Health Agency of Canada has similar target groups to the CDC but also include:

  • People living in remote areas
  • People handling pigs or poultry

People in these target groups who have had flu-like illness not confirmed to be pandemic H1N1 flu should still be vaccinated.

Pregnant women should be given the flu shot (the inactivated vaccine), not the nasal spray (live, attenuated vaccine).

Should there be a shortage of vaccine, the target populations would consist of:

  • النساء الحوامل
  • Anyone who lives with or cares for a child under the age of six months
  • Healthcare workers and emergency medical personnel
  • People aged six months to four years
  • Children aged 5-18 years with chronic medical conditions

After the target groups, people aged 25-64 years should get the vaccine. Older adults (over 65 years) will be the last group to receive the vaccine. (Older adults have been less likely to become infected with this flu than younger people.)

ال رذاذ الأنف will be given in two doses one month apart for children aged 2-9 years. Some doctors say it is fine to give the doses two weeks apart, instead of one month apart. Talk to your child’s doctor about what is best for your child. People aged 10-49 years will only need one dose of the nasal spray vaccine.

ال shot will be given in two doses one month apart to children aged six months to nine years. Some doctors say it is fine to give the doses three weeks apart, instead of one month apart. Talk to your child’s doctor about what is best for your child. People aged 10 years and older will only need one dose.

Flu season can begin as early as October and last as late as April or May. The best time to get vaccinated is as soon as the vaccine becomes available. Doing so will protect you before the flu comes to your community. The flu season can extend into the spring, so it is important to still get vaccinated if you did not do so early in the season.

Make sure you talk to your healthcare provider about which vaccine is right for you.

الذي لا ينبغي الحصول على تطعيم ؟

At this time, you may not want to get the vaccine if you are allergic to eggs. This is because most vaccines will be made using eggs. Further testing on the H1N1 flu vaccine may indicate that other people need to be cautious as well. Talk to your doctor to learn more.

The nasal spray (live, attenuated vaccine) should not be given to:

  • Those younger than two years or older than 50 years
  • Anyone with a severe chronic medical condition or weakened immune system
  • النساء الحوامل
  • Children under 18 years old taking chronic aspirin therapy

Is the H1N1 Flu Vaccine Safe?

Like the seasonal flu vaccine, the H1N1 flu vaccine is not expected to cause problems other than soreness at the injection site. People with specific allergies (eggs, latex, or certain drugs) should check with their doctor before receiving any flu vaccine.

In 1976, a flu vaccine was linked with cases of Guillan-Barre syndrome (GBS), a rare nerve disease causing weakness for several weeks, with some cases being severe enough to require breathing machines. The rate of GBS related to the vaccine was about 1 case per million vaccine doses. Since 1976, flu vaccines have not been clearly linked with GBS.

What Other Ways Can H1N1 Be Prevented Besides Vaccination?

  • اغسل يديك كثيرًا، خاصة عندما تكون على اتصال بشخص مريض. اغسل يديك لمدة 15-20 ثانية بالماء والصابون. من المفيد أيضًا فرك المنظفات التي تحتوي على الكحول على يديك.
  • تجنب الاتصال الوثيق مع الأشخاص الذين يعانون من التهابات الجهاز التنفسي. يمكن أن تنتشر الأنفلونزا قبل يوم واحد من ظهور الأعراض وتنتهي بعد سبعة أيام من ظهور الأعراض.
  • Consider using a disposable face mask if you have a high risk of severe illness from the flu and are unable to avoid crowded areas.
  • قم بتغطية فمك وأنفك بمنديل عند السعال أو العطس. تخلص من المنديل بعد استخدامه. السعال أو العطس في المرفق أو الجزء العلوي من الأكمام مفيد أيضًا.
  • لا تبصق.
  • لا تشارك المشروبات أو الأغراض الشخصية.
  • لا تعض أظافرك أو تضع يديك بالقرب من عينيك أو فمك أو أنفك.
  • حافظ على نظافة الأسطح عن طريق مسحها بمطهر منزلي.
  • Do not use products sold on the Internet claiming to prevent pandemic H1N1 flu. Talk to your doctor before using such products.
  • The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you or your child do not attend swine flu parties.
  • Talk to your doctor about taking antiviral medicines.
ماذا يحدث في حالة تفشي?

ماذا يحدث في حالة تفشي?

The CDC has issued some specific guidelines for public facilities. This will help schools, businesses, correctional facilities, and healthcare settings manage an outbreak of the flu. The advised actions may include isolating infected individuals and cleaning the facility. In some cases, the facility may need to be closed for a period of time.

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