Lymph nodes are found throughout the body. They are part of the body’s immune system. These nodes help fight infection by producing special white blood cells. They also work by trapping bacteria, viruses, and cancer cells. Normally, lymph nodes cannot be felt unless they are swollen. Infection, usually by a virus, is the most common cause of lymph node swelling. Other causes include bacterial infection and cancer.
With this type of biopsy, the doctor removes and examines all or part of a lymph node.
أسباب هذا الإجراء
This biopsy is done to find out why a node is swollen. It can also be done to see if there are cancer cells in the lymph node.
Common areas for biopsy include:
- الفخذ
- Armpit
- رقبة
- Under the jaw and chin
- Behind the ears
المضاعفات المحتملة
Complications are rare, but no procedure is completely free of risk. If you are planning to have a lymph node biopsy, your سيقوم الطبيب بمراجعة القائمة من المضاعفات المحتملة، والتي قد تشمل:
- نزيف
- العدوى
- تورم
- Nerve damage, including numbness at the biopsy site
ما يمكن توقعه
قبل الإجراء
Leading up to your procedure, you will need to:
- Talk to your doctor about your medical history, including:
- Any allergies that you have
- Any medicines you take, including over-the-counter drugs and herbs and supplements. You may be asked to stop taking some medicines up to one week before the procedure, like:
- الأدوية المضادة للالتهابات
- مميعات الدم
- Arrange for a ride home from the care center.
- Avoid eating or drinking anything after midnight if you will have general anesthesia.
- Local anesthesia—just the area that is being operated on is numbed; given as an injection and may also be given with a sedative
- General anesthesia is used for open biopsies—blocks pain and keeps you asleep through the surgery; given through an IV in your hand or arm
وصف الإجراء
Lymph nodes samples can be obtained by:
- إبرة الخزعة
- Open biopsy
Needle Biopsy
There are two types of needle biopsies:
- Fine needle biopsy —The doctor will use a thin, hollow needle to obtain tissue samples.
- Core needle biopsy—The doctor will use a larger needle to cut out a piece of tissue.
The doctor may use an ultra sound or CT scan to help locate the biopsy site.
Open Biopsy
An open biopsy means removing the lymph nodes through an incision. The doctor will cut into the skin and remove either all or part of a lymph node. After removal, the incision will be closed with stitches and bandaged.
مباشرة بعد الإجراء
The sample will be sent to the lab for examination.
كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟
About 30-60 minutes—longer if an ultrasound or CT scan is used.
كم هو مؤلم ؟
You will have some pain and tenderness after the biopsy is taken. Your doctor may give you pain medicine.
رعاية ما بعد العملية
عندما انت العودة إلى المنزل after the procedure, do the following to help ensure a smooth recovery:
- Keep the biopsy site clean and dry.
- اسأل طبيبك حول, عندما هي آمنة للاستحمام, السباحة, أو نقع في الماء.
- تأكد من اتباع تعليمات طبيبك .
Results will be ready in about a week. Your doctor will tell you if further treatment is needed.
استدعاء الطبيب
بعد وصوله الى المنزل ، اتصل بطبيبك إذا كان أي من الحالات التالية:
- علامات الإصابة, بما في ذلك حمى وقشعريرة
- احمرار أو تورم أو ألم متزايد أو نزيف شديد أو أي إفرازات من موقع الشق
- الأعراض الجديدة أو المتفاقمة
في حالة الطوارئ ، اتصل على المساعدة الطبية على الفور.