
A CT scan is a type of x-ray. It uses a computer to make pictures of the inside of the body. In this case, images of the abdomen are taken.

التصوير المقطعي المحوسب للبطن

أسباب الاختبار

أ الاشعة المقطعية is done to study the organs and tissue in your abdomen. Your doctor will look for signs of:

  • إصابة
  • الأورام
  • الالتهابات
  • Other diseases

Your doctor may recommend an abdominal CT scan if you have the following symptoms:

  • ألم في البطن
  • Bowel changes
  • Blood in urine or stool
  • Urinary difficulties
  • Jaundice (yellow skin)
  • فقدان الوزن
  • حمى غير مفسرة
  • اصابة في البطن
  • Fluid buildup in the abdomen

المضاعفات المحتملة

Sometimes a chemical called contrast is used to help improve the pictures. Complications with contrast are rare but some can have an allergic reaction or kidney problems.

A CT scan does use radiation. You and your doctor will weigh the harms and benefits of this test. A CT scan may not be advised if you are pregnant.

تأكد من مناقشة هذه المخاطر مع طبيبك قبل الاختبار.

ما يمكن توقعه

قبل الاختبار

Your doctor may tell you to:

  • Avoid eating or drinking anything for four hours before the test if contrast will be used.
  • Remove any metal objects, such as jewelry, hearing aids, or dentures..

وصف الاختبار

Sometimes contrast is necessary. It helps make certain organs and tissue easier to see in pictures. It is often given by mouth in a drink. Other times, it will be injected into a vein. Other times it is delivered by an enema.

You will be positioned on a special moving table. The table will move slowly through the CT scanner. You will need to stay still during the entire test. As the scanner takes pictures, you will hear humming and clicking. The technician will ask you to hold your breath at certain points. This will help get a clear picture. You will be able to talk to the technician with an intercom.

بعد الاختبار

If you had contrast, you may be told to drink extra fluid. This will flush the contrast from your body.

كم من الوقت سيستغرق ؟

About 30 minutes

هل سيكون هناك ألم؟

You may feel flushed if you received contrast. You may notice a salty or metallic taste in your mouth. You may also feel nauseated.


سيتم إرسال الصور المقطعية إلى أخصائي الأشعة الذي سيحللها. سيتلقى طبيبك النتائج ويناقشها معك.

استدعاء الطبيب

If you are given contrast, call your doctor if any of the following occurs after the test:

  • خلايا النحل
  • مثير للحكة
  • الغثيان
  • Swollen, itchy eyes
  • Tightness of throat
  • صعوبة في التنفس

في حالة الطوارئ ، اتصل على المساعدة الطبية على الفور.

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